Friday, February 29, 2008

What's in a name?!

Have you ever thought about your name? The meaning of it or the story behind it? Aaron and Logan were talking the other night and somehow got on the subject of middle names and Aaron asked Logan if he knew what my middle name was. Logan said,"Kaytlyn Tiemeyer Haase". :) It was cute. Then Aaron told him that it is Bobbi and Logan thought that that was pretty funny. That my middle name was a 'boys' name. So I shared with him the story behind my middle name. I was born on the 29th of December, so over Christmas all the relatives were over. My Aunt Pam has this real southern accent and was calling everyone by their name and then would add on Bob. So it was Kenan Bob, Jason Bob, Shawna Bob, and Shevaun Bob. Mom said she did that the whole time she was over. So when it was time to name me instead of just Kaytlyn Bob they named me Kaytlyn Bobbi. My first name they got from a tv show, Kitty Hawk or Airhawk or something like that.
My name also is a Modern phonetic form of the Irish name Caitlin from Catherine meaning pure. I searched on some baby name websites and nothing comes up for my spelling but if you just change the first y to an i then you get it on everysite. I love the way my name is spelled.

The girls names don't really have a story to why we picked them besides the fact that we liked them. Their middle names have more of a meaning. Kallie's is Maree after my sister Shawna's and Sadie's is Beth after my mom's.
Kallie's name is a variation of Kalila from the Arab which means "beloved." Or it may be a variant spelling of Kaile from the Hebrew, which means "a crown, a laurel."
Sadie's name is a diminutive of Sarah: princess; or Mercedes: mercy. I actually liked the name Mercedes for Sadie but Aaron said it sounded to much like a stripper name so I decided on Sadie.
Here is the website that I found some of the name meanings Logan and I went on it awhile back and just typed in everybodys name we could think of. We had a great time and he really loved finding out the meaning of his name and he can still tell you if you ask him.